Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Century blog

I've made it to 100 blog posts! Very exciting. Thanks to Martine who inspired me to begin and told me that I could be interesting enough for people to read (when I thought I was just too dull). Thanks to Debb who followed close behind but must have at least double blogged me by now, (and who inspires me to keep blogging)! And thanks to those blogger friends new and old who have taken the time to comment (when it is so easy to read but and not say hello)!


  1. Congratulations Katherine!! You are a centurian!! I love your blog and always enjoy reading your beautiful posts! Thankyou! Love Martine

  2. well done on reaching 100! Your blog is always a great read, and very inspiring! And I realised I know your friend Debb, she and I both know Lisa & Lyle. Are you friends with them too?

  3. FYI I haven't double blogged you... I just wasn't keeping up and have only done 155 posts! ;) Thank you too for your support! Debbs

  4. Always enjoy your posts and pictures. You are inspiration to those of us who are craft-challenged :) Thanks!


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